If you’ve had trouble getting rid of stubborn fat, wrinkles, and lines, and have apprehension about surgical intervention, mesotherapy might be what you’re looking for. Douglas Hamilton, MD serves the Woodland Hills, California, community through comprehensive mesotherapy treatments that help men and women get the results they want with minimal risk. Get in touch by phone or online to learn more.

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What is mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy refers to a skin tightening and weight loss technique that uses injections of enzymes, hormones, and vitamins.

Developed in France in 1952, mesotherapy is primarily used to address any of the following issues:

  • Excess fat in the stomach, hips, legs, arms, face, and buttocks
  • Cellulite
  • Wrinkles and lines
  • Loose skin
  • Lack of shape and tone in the body

You should speak to Dr. Hamilton if you’re interested in learning about a nonsurgical option for effective weight loss.

What should I expect during mesotherapy treatment?*

During your mesotherapy session, Dr. Hamilton uses extremely fine needles to inject the middle layer of the skin in the treatment area. Depending on the issue you’re trying to address, Dr. Hamilton may inject any of the following:

  • Vitamins and minerals
  • Herbal extracts
  • Enzymes
  • Hormones
  • Prescription medicine

Before injecting the chosen solution, Dr. Hamilton might give you a mild numbing agent to ensure utmost comfort. In some cases, the needles used for the injections might be attached to an injection gun that allows your doctor to perform multiple injections in a row.

Each injection administers a small drop of the solution into the treatment area. Dr. Hamilton might target areas of your body at different depths.

Generally speaking, Dr. Hamilton recommends multiple mesotherapy sessions to achieve the results you discussed during your initial consultation. He recommends injections every 7-10 days until results start to show, at which point you’ll need to come in every two weeks or twice a month.

What is the difference between mesotherapy and liposuction?

The primary difference between mesotherapy and liposuction is that the former is a nonsurgical alternative to the latter.

Liposuction uses the surgical insertion of a plastic tube that permanently suctions out excess fat in the targeted area. To do so, your doctor gives you an anesthetic and makes small incisions in your skin.

While liposuction has demonstrable results, the recovery time can be much longer than you’d like and can cause problematic side effects.

As a nonsurgical alternative, mesotherapy requires little to no downtime after the injection. The only real downside of mesotherapy is that you might need up to 10 sessions to get the result you want.

Get in touch with Dr. Hamilton and his team today by phone or online to book your first mesotherapy consultation.

*Individual results may vary