As a UCLA Medical School Assistant Clinical Professor, Dr. Hamilton teaches UCLA medical students and dermatology residents. He is board certified in both dermatology (American Board of Dermatology) and dermatopathology (American Boards of Dermatology & Pathology). A first visit at our office will include, if you so desire, a full body examination to rule out or treat the presence of skin cancer, including life-threatening malignant melanoma (“mole cancer”) as self-done examinantion misses over 50% of your own skin. Melanomas are most common in males on their back and in females on the legs: both areas either not able to be seen at all or seen well. Counter-intuitively, the most dangerous growths are those that are flat (generally the more raised a mole is the safer it is) so the fingertips are of no use in diagnosing. Surprisingly, melanomas are more related to certain phenotypes/appearances (fair hair and eyes; freckled skin) than to sun exposure.
Our office also offers patient specific treatments for difficult to treat acne cases and warts which include hormonal approaches for the former and immunotherapy for the latter. Additionally, we treat the full spectrum of rashes, skin diseases and skin tumours. We also remove skin cancers, moles, and pre-skin cancers with nice cosmetic results.
Please contact us today to learn more about general medical treatments that can help you in our Beverely Hills and Woodland Hills offices in the Los Angeles area.