Tired of the hassles of shaving and waxing? Dreaming of having silky smooth, stubble-free legs with virtually no effort?
If so, consider laser hair removal, offered in our Woodland Hills office in Los Angeles. A safe, convenient method of permanent hair removal, this technique requires just three to six treatments to achieve results and is suitable for a wide range of patients. Below are a few of our patients’ frequently asked questions; read on to learn more about the laser hair removal procedure.
request an appointmentHow does the laser remove hair?
The laser selectively targets the pigment inside the hair follicle. Each pulse of the laser disables large numbers of hair follicles.
How many laser hair removal treatments are needed? And when?
Normally 3-6. The interval between laser hair removals is 6 to 8 weeks or when you begin to see new hair growth.
Is laser hair removal permanent?
Yes and no! Hairs are disabled in a treatment and are put into a long “sleep.” A certain percentage of these “sleeping” hair follicles are really dead and hairs will never regrow from them. With each treatment additional hair follicles are killed until all hair is permanently absent in most cases.
What happens right after the treatment? Do the hairs fall out right away?
In many patients the skin is slightly pink for 1-2 days; in others (generally, fairer patients) there is no pinkness after laser hair removal. Hairs begin to fall out in 5-14 days and may continue to do so for weeks. Hairs may be more rapidly removed by rubbing, scrubbing, or plucking (with no discomfort after 5 days) if one desires to speed up this part of the process. It is not necessary to do so. Not all hairs may fall out; only those in anagen (growth) phases of the cycle (this is the part of the cycle that is susceptible to the laser) will fall out. One cannot tell by looking which hairs are in the growth phase.
Is laser hair removal painful?
You will feel minimal discomfort. A topical anesthetic is applied ahead of time and our patented Cryogen cooling spray provides additional anesthesia with each discharge of the laser.
How does laser hair removal compare to electrolysis?
Electrolysis does not delay the return of any hair that it doesn’t kill while LASER HAIR does both. Additionally, with LASER HAIR, unlike with electrolysis, we can treat large areas of the body with total comfort.
What is the cost of laser hair removal?
The cost depends on the location of the body treated. Many areas can be treated for under $100 per treatment.
How do I prepare for laser hair removal treatment?
Avoid tanning for approximately 10 days prior to any laser hair removal treatment. Under certain circumstances involving skin pigment or tanning, we will suggest that you apply a gel to the areas for a week prior to treatment. Do not bleach, pluck, or wax hair for at least 2 weeks prior to treatment. You may shave the area.
What kind of follow-up care is needed?
The after care is minimal. Avoid sun exposure for a few days after treatment. Avoid harsh soaps or lotions on any treated areas for 3-4 days. A loofa may be used on treated area to help remove treated hairs faster. Not all the hairs may fall out. Plucking or waxing can be done after one week if you wish to speed up the process of hair removal.
Please contact our office in Los Angeles to learn more about laser hair removal.