Dysport® is an extremely effective solution to get rid of stubborn wrinkles in between your eyebrows. Douglas Hamilton, MD specializes in offering men and women living in or around Woodland Hills, California, the most high-quality Dysport injection treatments to help them reach their aesthetic goals. Call or go online to book an appointment with Dr. Hamilton.

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What is Dysport?

Dysport refers to a prescription injection used to smooth out mild to severe frown lines between your eyebrows, all while maintaining your natural look.

Unlike other types of injection treatments, Dysport doesn’t target all the muscles in the treatment area. It simply affects the lines in your face, so you won’t feel any limitations in your ability to move your face.

How does Dysport work?*

As you may know, wrinkles are caused by systemic muscle contractions and repeated movements. Dysport works to reduce specific muscle activity to prevent the development of wrinkles.

During your appointment, Dr. Hamilton administers the Dysport product through 2-6 injections in key sites—between and above your eyebrows. This temporarily stops any muscle contraction in the injected area without affecting the function of other parts of your face.

When should I consider Dysport injections?

Dr. Hamilton recommends that you consider Dysport injections if you’re under 65 years old and looking to get rid of wrinkles between your eyebrows.

As you age, your skin loses its elasticity, making it more susceptible to folds, creases, and wrinkles. Without proper care, the skin in your face can eventually develop permanent lines. Dysport can help you tackle these injections with minimal risk.

In some cases, however, Dysport shouldn’t be your treatment of choice. Speak to Dr. Hamilton about alternative treatments if you have:

  • Had surgical changes to your face
  • Feeble muscles in the targeted area
  • Deep facial scars
  • Oily and thick skin
  • Droopy or sagging eyelids

If you identify with any of the above, Dr. Hamilton can recommend a different treatment.

What are the risks of Dysport injections?

While Dysport has yielded very effective results in treating wrinkles and deep lines between the eyebrows, it can have serious side effects if your body doesn’t react well to it.

In some cases, Dysport can lead to breathing and swallowing difficulty. If these symptoms last more than a few days, get in touch with Dr. Hamilton immediately to find a solution. If left untreated, this can evolve into a much more dangerous side effect.

Dysport can also spread to other areas. This phenomenon is called botulinum toxicity, which can lead to muscle weakness, blurred vision, a decrease of strength, and loss of bladder control.

Get in touch with Dr. Hamilton by phone or online to learn more about whether Dysport is the right cosmetic solution for you.

*Individual results may vary